Pho dish

Pho is the classic Vietnamese noodle in broth dish. Every restaurant, street store and family has their own version. However, the typical ingredients are fresh vegetables, noodles, beef slices and, of course, a secret sauce including beef stock and local spices. If you like Japanese ramen we are sure you will love Pho.

Bánh Mì, also known as the Vietnamese Baguette, also has a French origin. Beef or other meat slices are enveloped in a freshly baked short baguette together with fresh vegetables. These are pretty much made to order so let your imagination run wild with additional sauces or ingredients.

Vietnamese spring rolls (Gỏi Cuốn) are definitely on our ‘strongly recommended’ food list! these are spring rolls, but not as you know them! These are hand rolled in a distinctive transparent wrapper. Our guides will show you how to hand roll your own, ready for dipping in a variety of sauces from spicy to sweet to peanut.

Broken rice (Cơm tấm) was originally a dish of second choice originally being the rice that was damaged and not sellable at the traditional markets. Now however, this dish is considered very traditional and one of the signature dishes of Vietnamese cuisine. Often served with omelette and pork ribs or chops, topped with scallion and oil sauce with a side dish of mixed fish sauce.

Broken rice is very much associated with Saigon having originated from the nearby Mekong Delta.

Let’s not forget the world famous Vietnamese coffee. this can be taken hot (cà phê sữa nóng) or with ice (cà phê sua dá). Either way, this coffee is strong and delicious. It can be taken with or after a meal or you can drink it at anytime in the innumerable local cafes.

A coffee type that will be unfamiliar to most tourists is ‘weasel coffee’. this is where coffee beans are fed to weasels and when they are past out, are used to make a very unique Vietnamese coffee.

Vietnamese desserts make for a great afternoon snack with either coffee or tea. How better to absorb the Saigon vibes than to chill in a local cafe with friends and enjoy these typical treats.